Mac Journal Software: Mémoires 3 Released

Mémoires is the easiest way to keep a journal on your Mac.

It allows you to:

  • Create mutiple entries per day.
  • Change fonts and colors.
  • Insert pictures and draw sketches.
  • Encrypt journals with password.
  • Browse or quickly search entries.

Now it also includes Quick Drawings, exporting to PDF, printing journals, full screen editing, and more.

Mac Journal software screenshot

Here's demo video of some of the major features of the program:

The new version also improves support for Mac OS X features: grammar checking, autocorrection of spelling mistakes, smart quotes and dashes, substitutions, and data detectors. It also runs as 64-bit application.

Mémoires 3 has a free trial version, which you can download from the journal program website.

Download Now

You can learn more about this software application here.

Keep Your Secrets Save

Mac OS X comes with built-in encryption utility. You can use it to encrypt any file by creating a new virtual encrypted disk.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Open "Disk Utility" (Applications > Utilities).

2. Click "New Image".

3. Enter the name of a disk, for example, "Encrypted disk", select disk size (for example 40 MB, if that’s enough for your files), select AES-128 (recommended) encryption, and click "Create".

4. You’ll be asked to enter password. Do it. (Deselect Remember password for more security.)

Now you can double-click this disk image to mount it and view and edit files inside it.

* * *

If you're looking for an easier way to encrypt your journal, Mémoires application supports it out of the box.

How to Write a Journal

Video presentation with tips on how to write your journal:

Slides from presentation:
